The following is the English
transliteration of all 108 names, together with their meanings.
Shri: One who has infinite virtues: Namaha: I bow
down to:
1. Om Shri Krishnãya Namaha : -
I bow down to: One who attracts the mind of others (i.e. ‘karshati iti’)
2. Om Shri Vãsudevãya Namaha : -
One who is ‘Vãsudev’ – Supreme God.
3. Om Shri Nar-Nãrãyanãya Namaha : -One who is ‘Narayan’ – Supreme God – and is
with ‘Nar’ – His ideal
4. Om Shri Prabhave Namaha: - One
who is the highest authority and power, and owner of everything.
5. Om Shri Bhakti-Dharmãtmajãya Namaha: -
One who has incarnated as the son of Bhakti and Dharma.
6. Om Shri Ajanmane Namaha : -
One who is not subject to birth due to karmas.
7. Om Shri Krishnãya Namaha : -
One who has a dark, attractive complexion.
8. Om Shri Nãrãyanãya Namaha: - One
whom Ramanand Swami named ‘Narayan Muni’ – meaning, the
refuge for His devotees and support of everything.
9. Om Shri Haraye Namaha: - One
who controls Brahmã and all other deities and destroys the miseries
His devotees who remember Him.
10. Om Shri Harikrishnãya Namaha: - One who is ‘Hari’, meaning one who captivates
the mind, and
‘Krishna’,meaning one who destroys the demons or the enemies of His
11. Om Shri Ghanshyamãya Namaha : - One
who has a complexion like a dark cloud.
12. Om Shri Dhãrmikãya Namaha: - One who observed dharma from childhood and is
therefore the son of
13. Om Shri Bhaktinandanãya Namaha: - One
who is the giver of bliss to Bhakti as her son.
14. Om Shri Bruhadvratdharãya Namaha: - One who has taken up and observes the great
vow of
15. Om Shri Shuddhãya Namaha: - One
who is Himself the incarnation of purity and is purifier of His
16. Om Shri Radha-Krishneshtadevatãya
Namaha: - One to whom Radha and Krishna are dear.
17. Om Shri Marutsutpriyãya Namaha : - One
who is the beloved of Hanumanji, the son of the wind-god.
18. Om Shri Kãlibhairavãdyatibhishanãya
Namaha: - One who is serene, yet appears fierce to those like
Kalibhairav, etc. who attempt to kill Him.
19. Om Shri Jitendriyãya Namaha:- One who has
complete control over His senses and helps others to
attain such control.
20. Om Shri Jitãhãrãya Namaha: - One who has
complete control over His sense of taste and helps others
to attain such control.
21. Om Shri Tivravairãgyãya Namaha: -
One who possesses highest vairagya (detachment).
22. Om Shri Ãstikãya Namaha : - One who inspires faith in God.
23. Om Shri Yogeshvarãya Namaha: - One who is the Lord of the yogis, their sole
aim and giver of (their)
desired fruits.
24. Om Shri Yogakalãpravruttaye Namaha:
- One who grants His devotees the
perfection in yoga, without
their having to undergo rigorous training.
25. Om Shri Atidhairyavate Namaha: - One
whose mind never gets defiled. One who is extremely patient
and undisturbed by outer influences.
26. Om Shri Gnãnine Namaha: - One who has personal experience of and
transmits the knowledge of Jiva,
Ishwar, Maya, Brahma and Parabrahma. One who perceives true spiritual
27. Om Shri Paramhansãya Namaha : - One who is the greatest among the
28. Om Shri Tirthkrute Namaha: - One who makes places of pilgrimage.
29. Om Shri Tairthikãrchitãya Namaha : -
One who is worshipped by the sadhus residing in the pilgrim
30. Om Shri Kshamãnidhaye Namaha: -
One who is an ocean of compassion, mercy and forgiveness.
31. Om Shri Sadonnidrãya Namaha : -
One who is eternally awake.
32. Om Shri Dhyãnnishthãya Namaha : -
One who is continuously engrossed in meditation on His own
divine form.
33. Om Shri Tapahpriyãya Namaha: -
One who is fond of performing austerities and inspires others to
perform them also.
34. Om Shri Siddheshvarãya Namaha: - One who
is worshipped as God even by those who are
accomplished in yoga,austerities and spiritual wisdom.
35. Om Shri Svatantrãya Namaha: -
One who is truly independent of all.
36. Om Shri Brahmavidyã-pravartakãya
Namaha: - One who spreads Brahmavidya
(divine knowledge) to
37. Om Shri Pãshandochhedanapatave Namaha :
- One who intelligently defeats those
who behave
immorally by falsely interpreting
the Vedas.
38. Om Shri Svaswarupãchalsthitaye
Namaha: - One who is steadfast in His own form.
39. Om Shri Prashãntmurtaye Namaha: - One
who is totally calm and whose mere darshan brings peace
to the devotees.
40. Om Shri Nirdoshãya Namaha : - One
who is free of all defects and faults, such as, ego, hypocrisy,
greed, anger, etc.
41. Om Shri Asuragurvãdi-mohanãya Namaha :-
One who captivates even evil gurus by His divine acts.
42. Om Shri Atikãrunyanayanãya Namaha :
- One whose eyes overflow with
43. Om Shri Uddhavãdhva-pravartakãya Namaha:
- One who spreads the teachings of the Uddhav
Sampraday founded by Ramanand Swami.
44. Om Shri Mahãvratãya Namaha: - One who perfectly upholds the five great vows
of nishkam (non-lust),
nirlobh (non-greed), nisswad (non-taste), nissneh (detachment) and
nirman (humility), and who
performs severe austerities.
45. Om Shri Sãdhushilãya Namaha: - One whose behaviour perfectly reflects the
character of a God-
realized Sadhu.
46. Om Shri Sãdhuvipra-prapujakãya Namaha: -
One who honours sadhus and Brahmins and inspires
others to do the same.
47. Om Shri Ahimsayagna-prastotre Namaha: -
One who established the tradition of yagnas free of animal
48. Om Shri Sãkãrabrahma-varnanãya Namaha: -
One who spreads the understanding that Brahma and
Parabrahma both have divine human forms.
49. Om Shri Swãminãrãyanãya Namaha: - One who
is ‘Narayan’ – the supreme God – and is always with
‘Swami’ – Aksharbrahma Gunatitanand Swami.
50. Om Shri Swãmine Namaha: - One who is all-powerful and the Lord of all.
51. Om Shri Kãladoshanivãrakãya Namaha: -
One who destroys the bad effects of adverse time.
52. Om Shri Satshãstravyasanãya Namaha: - One
who is addicted to reciting and listening to the shastras
(holy scriptures).
53. Om Shri Sadyasamãdhi-sthitikãrakãya
Namaha: - One who instantly grants the state of samadhi to His
devotees, without their having to perfect the preceding seven stages of
54. Om Shri Krishnãrchã-sthãpanakarãya
Namaha: - One who consecrates the murtis of God in mandirs.
55. Om Shri Kauladvishe Namaha: - One
who refutes with logical reasoning the Kaul cults, which preach
unrighteous and adulterous behaviour.
56. Om Shri Kalitãrakãya Namaha: - One who protects His devotees along with
their families from the
influence of Kali (the dark age).
57. Om Shri Prakãsharupãya Namaha: - One who
is eternally radiant and resides with His divine form in
58. Om Shri Nirdambhãya Namaha: - One who is totally free from pretence and
59. Om Shri Sarvajivahitãvahãya Namaha: - One
who does good of all beings.
60. Om Shri Bhaktisamposhakãya Namaha: - One
who has enriched and promoted the practice of bhakti
(nine-fold devotion) to God.
61. Om Shri Vãgmine Namaha: - One who
lovingly speaks the truths taught by the Vedas.
62. Om Shri Chaturvarga-falapradãya Namaha: -
One who bestows the fruits of the four endeavours:
dharma (moral behaviour), arth (wealth), kam (desires) and moksha
63. Om Shri Nirmatsarãya Namaha:- One who is not envious of the progress of
others, but rejoices in their
64. Om Shri Bhaktavarmane Namaha: - One who
is surrounded by a legion of devotees, whom He protects.
65. Om Shri Buddhidãtre Namaha:- One who
bestows spiritual intellect to help devotees realise His true
66. Om Shri Atipãvanãya Namaha: - One who is
absolutely pure and purifies others.
67. Om Shri Abuddhihrute Namaha: - One who
destroys ignorance.
68. Om Shri Brahmdhãm-darshakãya Namaha: One who reveals His abode – Brahmadham
to all His devotees.
69. Om Shri Aparãjitãya Namaha: - One who cannot be defeated by anyone but is
Himself won over by the
selfless love of His devotees.
70. Om Shri Ãsumudrãnta-satkirtaye Namaha: -
One whose redemptive fame has spread to the ocean
71. Om Shri Shritasansruti-mochanãya Namaha:
-One who compassionately redeems His devotees from
the cycle of births and deaths.
72. Om Shri Udãrãya Namaha: - One who is extremely generous.
73. Om Shri Sahajãnandãya Namaha: -One who is
naturally full of joy and bliss and gives such joy and
bliss to His devotees.
74. Om Shri Sãdhvidharma-pravartakãya Namaha:
- One who promotes righteous living among His women
75. Om Shri Kandarpadarpa-dalanãya Namaha:
- One who crushed to pieces the ego of
Kamdev – the God
76. Om Shri Vaishnavakratu-kãrakãya Namaha: -
One who established the practice of yagna – sacrifices –
free from killing and offering animals, as per the true Vaishnav
77. Om Shri Panchãyatana-sanmãnãya Namaha: - One who directs His devotees to honour
the five
deities – Vishnu, Shiv, Ganapati, Parvati and Surya.
78. Om Shri Naishthikavrata-poshakãya Namaha:
- One who practices absolute brahmacharya and
others to do so also.
79. Om Shri Pragalbhãya Namaha:- One who is
ever enthusiastic and always ready to debate with great
80. Om Shri Nispruhãya Namaha: One who is detached from all desires
of material enjoyment.
81. Om Shri Satyapratignãya Namaha: - One who always keeps His promises.
82. Om Shri Bhaktavatsalãya Namaha: - One who has infinite love for all His
83. Om Shri Aroshanãya Namaha: - One who is free of anger.
84. Om Shri Dirghadarshine Namaha: - One who has unparalleled foresight and
85. Om Shri Shadurmi-vijayakshamãya Namaha:
- One who has conquered the six physical
and emotional
sensations of thirst, hunger, grief, infatuation, old age and death.
86. Om Shri Nirahankrutaye Namaha: - One who
is egoless and dissolves the ego of others.
87. Om Shri Adrohãya Namaha: - One who has no
hatred nor maligns anyone, i.e. He is a friend of all.
88. Om Shri Rujave Namaha: - One who is
soft-natured (i.e. has compassion, love, etc.).
89. Om Shri Sarvopakãrakãya Namaha: - One who obliges all without expecting
anything in return.
90. Om Shri Niyãmakãya Namaha: - One who
controls everything.
91. Om Shri Upashamasthitaye Namaha: - One
who has attained complete peace and tranquility by having
control over His senses.
92. Om Shri Vinayavate Namaha: - One who is naturally humble and polite.
93. Om Shri Gurave Namaha: One who is the guru of Brahmã and all other
gods whom He taught the
Vedas and thus destroyed everyone’s ignorance.
94. Om Shri Ajãtvairine Namaha: - One who has no enemies in His life.
95. Om Shri Nirlobhãya Namaha: - One who has no greed or desire to hoard
96. Om Shri Mahãpurushãya Namaha: - One who
is the greatest among all men and possesses the 32
virtues of the great.
97. Om Shri Ãtmadãya Namaha: - One gives His all, including His Ãtmã
(Aksharbrahma) to His devotees.
98. Om Shri Akhanditãrsha-maryãdãya Namaha:
- One who never transgresses the moral
prescribed by the rishis in the shastras and neither does He allow His
followers to transgress them.
99. Om Shri Vyãsasiddhãnta-bodhakãya Namaha:
- One who sheds true light on the wisdom and principles
taught by Vyas Muni.
100. Om Shri Manonigraha-yuktignãya Namaha: -
One who teaches His devotees various ways and means
to control the mind.
101. Om Shri Yamaduta-vimochakãya Namaha: -
One who saves His devotees from the clutches of the
servants of Yama.
102. Om Shri Purnakãmãya Namaha: - One who Himself is totally fulfilled yet fulfills
the desires of His
103. Om Shri Satyavãdine Namaha: - One who always upholds and speaks the truth.
104. Om Shri Gunagrãhine Namaha: - One who always imbibes the virtues of others.
105. Om Shri Gatasmayãya Namaha: - One who is egoless.
106. Om Shri Sadãchãra-priyatarãya Namaha:
- One who is immensely fond of pure and
righteous living
and inspires His followers to live similar lives.
107. Om Shri Punyashravana-kirtanãya Namaha:-
One whose name and discourses are purifying by their
very utterances.
108. Om Shri
Sarvamangala-sadrupa-nãnã-guna-vicheshtitãya Namaha: - One whose divine Murti, divine
virtues and divine exploits spread goodness among all and lead them to
final (ultimate) liberation.
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